
Ronin Fox Trax Presents The Thing

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Ronin Fox Trax Presents The Thing


Ronin Fox Trax is a movie riffing project, providing comedic commentary on movies in the style of MST3K and Rifftrax. This product is an MP3 commentary track that must be used with your own copy of the film. Instructions for synchronizing the commentary with the film are included in the introduction of the MP3.

See our trailer on Youtube: https://t.co/CLFYSfCSFi

In perhaps his greatest cinematic achievement that did not involve the eyewear stylings of Rowdy Roddy Piper, John Carpenter changed the world by making everyone afraid to go to Antarctica. Because of this, scientific study on the continent fell and we had no way to learn the truth about climate change until it was too late. Perhaps that was the alien invader's plan all along.

It's The Thing! A retelling of the classic 50s horror film that made the bold move that the antagonist should look more like a monster and less like a carrot. The gorefest that Roger Ebert described as a "great barf-bag movie" while intending to insult it, but instead inspired a generation of special effects makers. The paranoia-soaked story that makes that guy in your group of friends who keeps talking about communism metaphors so damn annoying.

Also, there's doggies.

Ronin Fox and Vamperica join in the accusations of alien assimilation in this story that said all that was important to say, but filmmakers milked a prequel out of it later anyway.

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